Go Green. Pay Green. Save Green.
Our focus is simple: Willamette Valley businesses should have a payroll outsourcing option that is convenient, affordable, and green. We partner with a secure national payroll provider that processes payroll for more than 25,000 clients annually to offer a locally owned alternative for savvy businesses.
Solve the puzzle of small business payroll.
We provide the friendliest, simplest payroll experience around at a price that small business owners can afford. We not only reduce the management time involved and simplify the handling of your payroll, we also remove personal risk and responsibility for making deadlines and tax deposits.
If You:
- Want to focus on your business, not payroll
- Have a fairly straightforward payroll
- Would like to process payroll via the internet or web-enabled mobile phone
- Have 5 or so employees, most of whom utilize direct deposit
Getting started is easy!
Just $49/Month!
Our payroll system includes:
- Payroll Calculation
- Tax Deposit & Filing
- Quarterly/Annual Filings*
- Direct Deposit**
* W-2 Charges extra
**Up to 5 employees,
unlimited frequency per month
Giving Back
We're involved in our community. Our passion is hockey. Special Hockey. The Lane Amateur Hockey Association's Special Hockey program exists for the enrichment of the athlete with a developmental disability.